The very best of British
Take this tour through the "golden years" of our aviation history & heritage.
There are some fascinating aircraft types to be seen on the following pages, taken from a collection of 6x6 & 120 format negatives plus some prints, the picture quality is v/g to excellent & a minimum of enhancement has taken place using modern day technology, such as some "constructive cropping", therefore, what you see is original photography produced to fit the average PC monitor to give a "decent" sized picture.
So, off you go then !
Scroll down & click a year, but most important of all - "PLEASE ENJOY" this remarkable find brought to you by
By the way, don't forget to click the thumbnail pic
Both optimists and pessimists helped develop aviation.
Optimists invented the aero plane and the jet engine.
Pessimists invented the parachute and ejector seats!.