
Farnborough 49      


The text on the reverse of this scanned print reads ..................

Secret Jet Airliner makes first flight.

Britain's hush-hush jet airliner, the De Haviland Comet, made its first flight today at Hatfield,
Herts. Group Captain John Cunningham, wartime night fighter ace, and now chief test pilot, made
two 500 yards hops at 100 miles an hour.
This four engined jet airliner will eventually fly on the Empire and probably the Atlantic routes,
cruising at 500 miles an hour.

This New York Times photo shows :-

The De Haviland Comet seen with the plane from which it was developed, the D.H.108,
at Hatfield today. July 27th, 1949
William Johnson

    4901.JPG (40189 bytes)  4902.JPG (44948 bytes)  4904.JPG (177581 bytes)  4905.JPG (199603 bytes)

                                 Comet 1, G-ALVG                          

    4906.JPG (170716 bytes)  4907.JPG (209480 bytes)  4903.JPG (204327 bytes)

    Comet 1, G-ALVG  

                                                                                        4908.JPG (260550 bytes)  5007.jpg (47982 bytes)  4912.JPG (187082 bytes)

                                                                                                    Hermes 4, G-ALDA         Hermes 5, G-ALEU          AW Apollo, G-AIYN        

                                                                                                               4910.JPG (217181 bytes)  4911.JPG (237948 bytes)

                                                                                                                                        Viscount 630, G-AHRF 

4909.JPG (236166 bytes)

                Percival  Survey Prince, G-ALRY        

            4915.JPG (187247 bytes)  4914.JPG (194426 bytes)  4916.JPG (201462 bytes)

                                                                                                                                          SM Seagull ASR.1, PA147

4913.JPG (188618 bytes)   VX784.jpg (2032715 bytes)

                                                                                                      Avro 707B, VX784                      Avro 707B, VX784

      4917.JPG (178339 bytes)  4918.JPG (180191 bytes)  4919.JPG (182453 bytes)   

 Supermarine 510, VV106 

4804.jpg (164739 bytes)

 Vampire F.3, VF332

  4920.JPG (173820 bytes)

     EE Canberra 1, VN799

4922.JPG (163864 bytes)  4923.JPG (189578 bytes)

                                                                                                                                   Hawker P.1052, VX279

4924.JPG (176518 bytes)  4925.JPG (193433 bytes)  4926.JPG (211767 bytes)

                                                                                      Sea Fury FB.11, VX642      Valetta C.2, VX571         Shackleton Mk.1, VW131 


4927a.JPG (195855 bytes)     F4927B.jpg (99737 bytes)

Cierva Air Horse, VZ724


Here are a selection of scanned prints, the photography is not very good, however, they are representative of the time.



                                                                                                          Avro 707, VX784                       Hermes 5, G-ALEU    Comet 1, G-ALVG   AW Apollo, G-AIYN


                                                                                                               Sea Fury FB.11, VX642         Firefly AS.5, WB310

 Supermarine 510, VV106


HP (Reading) Marathon 2, G-AXHU    (Armstrong Siddeley Mamba turboprops)

                                                                                                                                    SM Seagull ASR.1, PA147


Bristol Freighter 21  G-AIME

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